Aware Homes is more than a company; It is a revolution in modern, compact living.

We specialize in transforming small spaces into areas of maximum efficiency and beauty. With a dedication to sustainability, each product in our collection is a testament to modular and eco-sustainable innovation, specifically designed to enrich life in motorhomes, small flats, boats and container homes.

Our initial focus is to offer solutions that not only beautify but optimize every corner of your living space. From glassware organizers to modular workstations, every Aware Homes creation is designed to make the most of every available space, no matter its size.

Looking to the future, Aware Homes will expand its horizons to include small space rentals. Imagine motorhomes and apartments not only equipped with our products but also designed with our philosophy: each element exists to improve your quality of life.

At Aware Homes, we believe in a lifestyle where every object has a purpose, every design has a function and every client finds harmony in their home, no matter its size. Welcome to the future of interior design: compact, sustainable and zero waste. Welcome to Aware Homes, where small space meets big design.